• Tokyo Ninkagai childcare service / Knock Knock Preschool

FAQFrequently Asked Questions

Our FAQ page contains answers to our most frequently asked questions and inquiries about each program and student’s English proficiency levels. If you have any other questions, please contact the Knock Knock office directly.

My child isn't used to speaking English, and I'm concerned about them joining class.

For children who are new to English, we recommend participating in our classes via trial tickets.
The trial ticket does not require any initial fee to participate, such as our registration fee, so new students may participate by paying only the ticket fee. For details, please check the link below.

For more information about our trial tickets, click here!

When should my child begin learning English?

Children that begin learning English early experience less shyness and resistance to speaking English. Additionally, young children are more capable of quickly absorbing correct English pronunciation and rhythm due to their high levels of flexibility. However, it is important to choose an environment and time period in which your child can take lessons and learn while also having fun.

Each child is different, so we recommend participating in our trial lessons before choosing to enroll. If you feel that your child is not ready for lessons yet, we strongly recommend waiting before enrolling your child, as children that are not ready may feel forced into lessons and grow to dislike English and learning English.

Will my child become fluent in one lesson?

Students will likely not become fluent from just one lesson a week.
It is important to use other time effectively and continue learning English. Our programs are designed to expand our student’s interests in English through lessons as well as fun activities at home. We encourage students to learn English as a natural means of communication by making it a part of their lives. Rather than purchasing expensive teaching materials and trying to achieve fast results, we believe it is important to help our students continue their English studies effectively in our specially devised programs while also having fun.

Is it okay to talk to my child with non-native English pronunciation?

It is!
Our students know that the pronunciation of our foreign teachers is correct. Also, students will learn and absorb correct English pronunciation from our CDs and videos. As long as non-native English isn't the only source of English information for your child, there is not an issue with them hearing it. In fact, in addition to using lessons, videos, and CDs, we recommend that fathers and mothers actively use English when speaking to their children.

According to the class availability, there seem to be classes that are unavailable. Can I still take a free trial lesson?

Yes, if there is a vacancy in our class on the day you’d like to take the trial lesson. If you would like to participate, please contact us by 17:00 on the previous day.

Class Availability

My child is still in diapers, can they still participate?

Please be assured that a nursery teacher or staff with experience in childcare will be available. Students in the Ladybugs and Butterflies classes do not need to bring their own diapers, they will be provided with ones at school.

My child has a developmental disability. Can they participate in class?

First, please have your child participate in our trial lessons.
Afterwards, our instructors and support staff will make a decision about your child’s participation in our classes.

Is it possible to participate in the same class as a friend?

We allow participation with friends if we have space in our classes.
Please note that depending on the judgment of the instructor during our free trials, you may be asked to participate in different classes.

Can my child be picked up from a kindergarten or a nursery school?

If we have permission from the kindergarten or nursery school, we will be able to pick your child up.
We must have permission from the kindergarten or nursery school your child attends in advance, so we ask that parents personally speak with staff at their child’s kindergarten/nursery school. Additionally, please contact us beforehand for information as we may not be able to pick your child up at the desired time depending on the day of the week/course.

Please check our transportation service area using the link below.

Transportation Service

What should I do when I want my child to participate on days other than their regular class days?

If we have space in our classes, your child may participate on additional days.To participate, please either purchase an additional ticket or use a make-up ticket issued when your child was absent. Please check the link below for detailed charges.

Admission and Tuition

Is studying abroad for a short period of time during summer vacation effective?

Parents may think that children will not experience a huge jump in English ability from simply going abroad to study for 1-2 weeks, and they may not be wrong in thinking so.

However, going abroad to study is exciting for children. From an adult's point of view, it is common knowledge that English is spoken in English-speaking parts of the world, but for children, they have a rare opportunity to see how the English that they are learning in Japan is used in distant countries, not from TV, but with real experiences.

Children will realize that if you can speak English, you can communicate with foreigners, and they will very likely be much more motivated to be able to speak English.

Knock Knock Events

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We are currently not holding an event. Please look forward to our next event!

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Become a Host Family

At Knock Knock, we encourage students to come into contact with foreign cultures and languages.

More Details (Japanese)

Contact Us?

Before enrollment, free trials, interviews, and tours of the facility are available. First, please apply for a free trial.